The title Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal, A Worldwide Cinderella
explains what the book is about. Cinderella is a story known worldwide from
country to country, although the story is changed to fit the lifestyle of the
country. This book is all of those different viewpoints of Cinderella made into
one story. It is still the same story plot, but it shows the diversity of other
cultures. Each page is about a different place whether it be Iraq, Korea,
India, Japan Ireland...etc. These different places explain one part of how the
story goes according to that society. From an American perspective Cinderella
had a fairy godmother that gave her a dress and carriage for her to go to the
ball, but in Indonesia a crocodile came and brought her a sarong of gold...etc.
This continues throughout the whole book about the different stories around the
world put into one combined unique story.
Paul Fleischman created a wonderful story that everyone
knows and loves. He found a unique way to piece together this book. This book
teachers children about other people’s cultures and that their perspective
isn't the only one in the world. For the readers it opens up a whole new
perspective of the many versions of Cinderella throughout the world. Julie
Paschkis does an excellent job using illustrations to demonstrate the different
cultures. The illustrations are different from what children view from other books.
I would recommend introducing this book into a classroom. I would say that 2nd
through 6th would benefit the most from it. Younger ones could be read to, but
I think older children would get more from the story. Great book and
interesting to read for any age.