Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Luck of the Loch Ness Monster is about a girl named Katerina-Elizabeth who was a picky eater. She hates oatmeal most of all. She went on a trip to visit her grandmother in Scotland and for breakfast each morning she gets oatmeal. Throughout the trip she throws the food overboard, and soon finds out this snake-like worm is eating the food. Katerina-Elizabeth gets off the ship in Scotland by Loch Ness. The worm gets worried that the children around Scotland will move away, and he wouldn't get any more unwanted food. In order to fix the problem he allowed himself to be seen occasionally and that is how he became a tourist attraction. The monster is very grateful to the picky eater.

 The illustrations are essential to the story, and allow the students to picture what the worm looks like and how big it grows. It discusses Scottish children, and some foods they eat, which show diversity within people. I would be cautious about the reality of the monster, and how children perceive the tale. I recommend doing research to find out if the opinions of Scottish foods are correct. It is a nice tale, but children might take it literally. As an adult I enjoyed this fun way of telling the tale, and related to it because of all the stories of the Loch Ness Monster. For an activity there are many options: you could show them YouTube videos of the believed monster, or have the children discuss what foods they dislike. Give a lesson on Scotland and show pictures of the food discussed in the book. For the most part this book is an entertaining way of talking about picky eaters, but to me it portrays that being a picky eater is ok.


  1. I think this would be a really fun book to read to children to really open up the world of other cultures. This book could bring about a huge interest in Scotland and that would be very exciting for a lot of students. I think the book sounds super cute and I believe that I would really enjoy reading it! However, I can see you point about having the Loch Ness Monster and how serious the kids would take that, but it is no different then us hearing fairy tales as children or watching or reading fantasy books! It would be important to address the Loch Ness Monster and if he is for sure real or not but other then that I think this sounds like a really good book and is probably pretty funny!

  2. I think this would be a great book to introduce the Loch Ness Monster and the fact that it's nothing really to be afraid of. Like us, it likes food but not every type of food. Like you said, being a picky eater is okay but it's nice to try new things too. It's also a great way to introduce a different culture. I know I've always wanted to go to Scotland not only for the people but the environment as well.

  3. when you presented this book i could automatically relate. My little sister was a picky eater when she was little also many of the kids I have met go through a phase where they only eat a couple of things. This book would definitely be a fun one to read in a classroom.
