Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Red Hen is created into many different books. It is about this Red Hen, and throughout the book she is baking a cake. Her three friends are a cat, mouse, and frog.  As she is going through the process of making a cake she asks her friends who would like to help her. None of the friends want to take responsibility for the share of the work. The Red Hen makes the cake by herself. Finally the time has come to eat the cake, she asked who will help her eat it, and of course all the friends want to eat some. Although she says since she made it by herself, she is going to eat it herself. The cat, mouse, and frog were lazy and didn’t want to do their share, so they learned a lesson that if they don’t pitch in they can’t enjoy the reward.

I love the lesson to this story. It is a great way to teach children responsibility, and that it is not all about them. The one thing I didn’t like about this book is the illustrations. It was more abstract without a distinct picture. I would recommend this book for kindergarten or first grade. The end of the book has the cake recipe (made from scratch) and how to bake it. This might be a great activity to do with the children by making the cake at home, and having them share the cake because of a reward for doing something throughout the day.


  1. This book sounds very interesting! I think it is hilarious that the hen didn't let them help her eat the cake because no one was around to help her make it. It can probably have a big effect on kids because often they think that they are privileged enough to get what they want even though they had no desire to work to get it. This moral sticks out to me as a parent, i think i will finding this book and reading it as a bed time story soon!

  2. This is a great book to use to teach about teamwork! That if you help with the hard work you get to get the prize at the or the cake! Children take for granted what they get and do not always have to work to receive it.

  3. It is an important lesson for children to learn. What kid would not be motivated to help out if they get a piece of cake in return. It is unfortunate you did not care for the illustrations since that is such an important part of the books for young children. I would add a stipulation that they have to bring a piece of cake for the teacher to try. Maybe a little extra credit would be in order.

  4. It's definitely important that kids learn that they have to earn rewards. It's not fun to not get a prize because you didn't do earn it. Children can easily relate, and I know as a child, I loved this story! :)
