Friday, April 5, 2013

Pip & Squeak is a children's book written and illustrated by Ian Schoenherr.  This book is about a friendship of two mice. It takes place outside on a snowy day. Pip and Squeak are heading to a friend's party, but one of them forgets the gift. As they are traveling to the party, they search for the gift along the way. They find a gift that will do, but in the end the friend loves the gift.

This book is about the friendship of the two mice, but also about a friendship of a different kind of friend. Since the friend is different is shows children that it is ok to be different, and to be friends with someone different than them. It also shows that you can be grateful for anything, and that it's the thought that counts. I love the illustrations because it makes you feel like you are a part of the adventure. The illustrations also demonstrate the size of the mice by comparing real life things to the tiny mice. This would be
 a great book to read in a classroom.


  1. I really enjoyed your book talk on Thursday. This story was a cute story about little creatures and supports diversity. Good job!

  2. This story looks so cute! I love the fact that the mice are proportionate to every day objects. It really puts them in perspective which is great for kids to see and truly understand how little the mice are.

  3. I'm so happy to hear that there is a book about difference! Kids need to be taught this, and I had no idea there was a book out there that talks about it. Thanks for sharing!
